Thursday, December 23, 2004


It is becoming clearer by the day that Christians – and some atheists – have finally had enough of attacks on Christmas. An earthquake of a paradigm-shift may be rolling in! Dr. Ronald May says in part (read the whole thing:)
"Just what are some of the things opposed by those who would eliminate our Judeo-Christian heritage?

"For one, we can’t have honesty. If the left’s ideas were honestly stated, the left would become an endangered species...

"We can’t have self-reliance, as people are too stupid to take care of themselves and take responsibility for their own actions, especially conservatives...

"We can’t have joy since the liberals and terrorists always are angry about something...

"We can’t have patriotism either. We might offend our enemies. We also shouldn’t defend ourselves as we might insult some thugs and dictators...

"A Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good fight!"

The prize-winning genius of Michael Novak is at its best ever. In part, he says:

"In any case, knowing that this really is a wonderful life, in which implausible dreams can come true, I have been dreaming that one Christmas soon some atheist will start a movement of "Atheists for Christmas." The purpose would not be to declare that such atheists are Christians. Rather, they or others similarly placed are in a position to state, without partisanship, the positive contributions that Christmas dramatizes for the understanding of freedom and virtue in our time...

"Therefore, those of us who are Christians ought to launch a reciprocal campaign of 'Christians in Gratitude to Atheists,' to honor the contributions of nonbelievers to our free institutions. Let us give credit to all who helped add to natural rights, the free institutions that support them, and the consent of the governed, due process, and the separation of powers.

"The defenders of liberty in this coming century may be not too many but too few, and all of us will surely need one another before this century is done. We will also need Christmas, and all that it strengthens in us, and reminds us of."

It is beginning to look like Christmas may be on its way back! Merry Christmas, one and all!

(See some great comments on the attacks on Rumsfeld at


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