Monday, August 29, 2005


Watching the devastation from hurricane Katrina, and the rescue and restoration efforts afterwards, we should remember how much was lost in big natural disasters in other countries. The Tsunami tragedy less than a year ago; the recent floods in Bangaladesh; the earthquakes in Iran; and others. Especially, we should note how much less the loss of life and property is here during Katrina, and think about the reasons why.

The unavoidable answer is that in natural disasters, it is mostly national prosperity that makes the biggest difference. Early-warning systems, such as did not exist in many poor countries hard hit by the tsumanis. Preparation for disasters, with disaster-readiness equipment like generators for hospitals. Personnel already trained and drilled. Local and national teams already equipped to move in quickly, restore the most vital services such as power and water. Quick restoration of order, prevention of looting. Trained, well-equipped rescue specialists. Quick, excellent medical care for the injured.

Then the national means to rebuild, with really amazing ability and quickness, what was lost. Good insurance and financial help to assist that rebuilding. Plenty of people willing and able to do it. Then the ability to learn from each earthquake, flood, fire, hurricane or tornado, drought, how to better withstand the damage the next time. Then the ability to build that new knowledge into the infrastructure.

This may seem so obvious as to not be worth mentioning. But it is important to notice that it is prosperity that is key to preventing loss of life and property, and to restoring what was lost. Why? Because knowing the power of national prosperity to save lives and property helps us to understand that it is not purely selfish. Not at all. Building national prosperity is one of the most important things that we can to do save lives. It is also one of the most important things we can do to help the poor, since the poor suffer much more from natural disasters than the others.

It is also one of the very most important things that we can do to help the poor in poor countries. Everything we can promote to increase their national prosperity - capitalism, free trade, freedom from corrupt and thieving governments who steal from the country and increase its poverty, freedom from systems that stifle individual freedoms to start small businesses - all these not only help the poor in those countries rise above poverty. They also help save their lives in the next big natural disaster they have.

In short: capitalism, free trade, economic freedom and freedom from oppressive, corrupt governments not only help the poor vastly more than handouts; they also help save their lives when the next huge tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters hit.

Handouts are important when disaster strikes. But they matter less than having reached greater national prosperity.


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