Thursday, May 05, 2005


Frank Decker writes about new movements to Christ among Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu populations. (No link is available to his article in Good News Magazine, May/June 2005, p. 43.) In these fast-growing movements, people accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, but deny being ‘Christians.’ That is because in their countries the word “Christian” does not mean what it does to us.

A Thai convert explains that “Christian” means “foreigner” in his country, and that he could not be Thai if he were Christian. He tells of converting a Buddhist monk to Christ on a train. The monk then invited him to speak about Jesus to his entire monastery.

A Muslim young woman who accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior identifies herself as Muslim, not Christian. This is so she can talk to others about Jesus. If she calls herself Christian, they will not listen to her. Many other Muslims do the same. So do many Hindus.

We all know that it is not religion that saves us, but Christ. They understand this too. And so they are rejecting the Western-seeming religion of Christianity, but accepting Jesus in large numbers. Decker quotes a Muslim convert counseling fellow believers as saying, “If someone holds a gun to your head and asks, ‘Are you a Christian?’ you can say ‘no.’ But if they ask ‘Is Jesus your Lord and Savior?’ you must say ‘yes.’ If you are going to die, die for the right reason.’”

It is easy, sometimes, to be afraid that the Kingdom of God is not making much earthly progress. But news like this shows that the Holy Spirit never quits. We can be of good courage. God is on the march.

(If you do not read the UMC-related Good News Magazine, you have no idea what you are missing. Take a peek at


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