Tuesday, August 30, 2005


It is early to consider this; but with some things, the earlier they are considered, the better.

What kind of sense does it make to have a city near the Gulf and its hurricanes which is the size of New Orleans, in a bowl 8 to 20 feet below sea level? If it does not make much sense, should it be rebuilt there?

We do not yet know how much of New Orleans will have to be rebuilt But we can guess that there will probably not be a single structure that has not been damaged. Each of these structures will have to be repaired, with either insurance or government money. Many will have to be essentially replaced. The cost will be so great that the government may have to bail out the insurance companies. Either way, we the people will be paying for most of the rebuilding.

We are happy to rebuild New Orleans! We would expect the same if such a disaster happened to our own cities. It is simply the right thing to do, and we will do it. Without complaining, I hope and expect. But if almost the entire city must be rebuilt, wouldn't this be a good opportunity to rebuild it in a different location, on higher ground? New Orleans has been a disaster waiting to happen for decades. Its being hit by a hurricane has been ranked as, I believe, the second largest natural disaster that could possibly hit the United States.

If we are going to spend the money and effort to almost totally rebuild it anyhow, why not build it in a location that is not in a bowl below sea level? Where we would have more hope of not having to rebuild it again after the next hurricane?

While the desirability of such a move cannot be determined until the damage is assessed, still, we will have little time to start looking at such a decision. The reason is that payments to start the rebuilding will start almost immediately, considering the need to get New Orleans back on its feet. The rebuilding money will be almost totally committed before long. Can we not at least look at moving this stricken, and still very vulnerable city before we start rebuilding it in a place which remains simply another such disaster waiting to happen?


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